Don’t toss that lettuce-share it
In general, except possibly for ride-hailing, the sharing economy promises to help preserve the resource of the planet. In an international survey conducted by the Dutch bank ING, people reported that they use sharing platforms because they believe they are good for the environment and they help build communities. The more popular a sharing app, the more people believe in those environmental benefits.
Sharing and the future
The collaborative economy creates a new reality by blurring concepts such as job and office, ownership, and access. Sharing in a networked society means that what used to be a job is now broken down into tasks that can be performed by different people working from home or using office space that accommodates different workers at different times. The property loses some of its meaning because fractional access and use provide for flexibility and lower costs. The underlying culture is no longer one of owning but one of enjoying and experiencing, a worldview seemingly consistent with the idea of a level playing field and a stronger community. To hark back to the lyrics by John Lennon, “Imagine no possessions..”
2030 by Mauro.F.Guillen: 200–202