06 Origins

Ellie Kim
2 min readAug 9, 2021


Lolo who was Barack's stepfather wouldn't have treated Barack very differently from his own son. Even though the new life in Indonesia must have felt very exotic and unfamiliar for young Barack, he could have adapted well with Lolo’s consideration. One day Lolo said to Barack, “The first thing to remember is how to protect yourself”. He tried to teach Barack how to do boxing and for him to protect himself. One day Barack asked these questions, “Have you ever seen a man killed and why was the man killed.” And Lolo said to him, “Because he was weak. Men take advantage of the weakness in other men. They’re just like countries, strong men take the weak man’s land and make them work for their fields. If the weak man’s woman is pretty, the strong man will take her.” then he asked, “Which would you rather be?” Barack didn’t answer, and he said finally, “Better to be strong. If you can’t be strong, be clever and make peace with someone strong. But always better to be strong yourself. Always.” Barack’s mother really was grateful for Lolo's solicitude towards her young boy. But it was very difficult to adapt to her new life in Indonesia.

Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

Before leaving Hawaii, she had tried to learn all she could about Indonesia. Nothing more than inconveniences, and she was tougher than she looked, tougher than even she had known herself to be. Also, she wasn’t prepared for the loneliness. -P.42, August 9, 2021.



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